Monday 3 September 2012

Hi there, Today I’ll be sharing on what you need to build a Business Blog Empire like Linda Ikeji’s. If I decide to go into full details, this post is going to be extremely long and we wouldn’t want to have you staring at the screen for a long time but what I’ll be sharing will be 6 tips you’ll need to take your Business Blog like Linda Ikeji. Yes I know you have a few questions already Who is Linda Ikeji Why do I need to start Blogging about my Business Etc. We’ll take it one step at a time, hopefully after reading you’ll be more aware of how business blogging operates in the Online World. This post is a prelude to the Business Blogging EBook Titled ‘Start Blogging about your Business Today by Titilayo Ama’ which provides a step-by- step guide on what Business Blogging is all about, the Benefits, Mistakes to avoid, Business Blogging Case Study, etc. Don’t forget to like our Facebook Fan Page to know when the Business Blogging EBook will be launched. Now let’s get started, who is Linda Ikeji??
Linda Ikeji: It is generally known that Linda Ikeji is an ex-model, an author, an entrepreneur and Nigeria’s most popular blogger. We’ll be focusing on the Blogging Aspect and how you can learn from her to create your Business Blog Blogging Platform: Blogger Blogging Niche: Entertainment (Celebrity Gossip, Fashion, Events, Inspiration, News, etc) Start Year: 2006 Online Business Model: Advertising: Direct Advertising (People Pay her to place their adverts on her Blog), Google AdSense (Google pays her for placing Ads on her Blog, Business Reviews (Products/Services) (She reviews different Products and Services on her Blog) Website Worth: According to Statscrop, www.lindaikeji, is worth $856,566 USD approx. that is a whooping 130million naira and its daily revenue is $165 Country Popularity: Internationally Known Yes you saw that right $856,566 USD and you still think you shouldn’t start Blogging about your Business?? I’ll leave you to answer that. Interesting Data if you’ll ask me but before you rush to create your Business Blog in a hurry, take a look at the Start Date-2006-(six years ago). Six whole years to get to that level, don’t lose hope even if you haven’t started blogging about your Business Blog, after reading this post you would have learnt a few things that would lead you in the right direction. I’m sure you have an idea of what you’ll be learning today, so here we go. 6tips you need to learn from Linda Ikeji’s Business Blog Empire. #1. PASSION: You’ve got to have Passion You’ve got to have passion for whatever you’re doing to intend to do. Business Blogging isn’t your regular kind of Blogging, you’re either blogging about your Business or you’ve turned your Blogging to a Business and it’s passion that keeps you going. Remember: “One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested”. What is your Business about? Dry-cleaning, Photography, Catering, Events Planning, Business Consulting, Fashion Designing, Broadcasting, Motivating people, Constructing, etc. Blog about it with PASSION. #2. DEDICATION: Going by the frequency of her posts on , you can see clearly that in a day she has about 10-20 posts in day on topics or happenings in her Blogging Niche. has approx. 21,000 daily visitors. 21,000 daily visitors won’t visit a Blog that is just crap or doesn’t have updated posts, it just won’t happen. Updated Content from a Blogger is Key and without Dedication, your Business Blog is going nowhere#3. COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE It’s 2012 and as a Business owner, you’ve got to know how to use the Computer very well. I’m not going to say you’ve got to have little computer knowledge maybe I would have said that in 2010 not now. Like I said before its 2012 and as a Business owner, you SHOULD know how to use the computer very well. *You should have an idea of how the Internet works *You should have a design to learn new things about the technical aspects of your Business Blog. *You must have a good understanding of how your Business Blog stands in the Social Media Circles. *You should be able to have lots of fun with your Keyboard because of your Blog Contents. #4. THE RIGHT BLOGGING PLATFORM Well done, you made it to #4. This write-up is centered on Business Owners who intend to start Blogging about their Businesses i.e. You are an Events Planner, Set up a Business Blog which is based on what you do, talk about things happening in your Industry, teach people who would want to go into events planning via your Business Blog, Show Videos on how to decorate a small hall, Offer Events Planning Email Classes, Have a catalogue of Events you’ve covered in your Blog’s Events Gallery and put a price tag on it, the list is endless. You can do all these and many more from your Blog But the question is What Blogging Platform should you use?? From the name you can tell that runs on Blogger which is a Blogging Platform owned by Google and it’s hosted by them too. Well, I prefer WordPress which is one of best Blogging Platforms. Most websites on the World Wide Web run on WordPress. We have quite a number which run on WordPress here in Nigeria. It is user-friendly and very customizable. #5. CONTENT GENERATION To have a Business Blog Empire, you need to feed your Blog visitors with Content, Updated Content that is relevant to your Niche. You should however try not to deviate from what your Niche is about without the permission of your followers doing that might be a little dangerous. Content Generation would be a different post all together but let’s take an example: Business Sample: Catering Business Content could be based on: Food Recipes, Events you’ve catered for, posts about the owner, Picture Posts, Video Training Posts, Training Courses, Happenings in your Industry, Top Caterers, What it takes to be a caterer, etc. Get Content that your visitor will find relevant and also exciting. #6. PATIENCE Like I pointed out before, Linda Ikeji started her Blog in 2006 and its 2012 now that’s six(6) fat years to get the kind of traffic that she gets and the kind of followership that she receives. She must be a very patient young lady…, George Saville says “A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else.” In Business Blogging, Patience is needed and the good thing about it is that it pays off eventually as
long as you are consistent. That’s a wrap. I hope I’ve been able to make you know 6 tips that would help you in building your own Business Blog Empire just like Linda Ikeji.
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