Sunday 16 September 2012

Learn How to Seduce Any Woman in 60 Seconds

Learn How to Seduce Any Woman in 60 Seconds
Men: Imagine a life where you meet a sexy woman and get her phone number on the first try. Now imagine meeting tons of women, in any kind of social situation, and not just getting numbers but actually hooking up whenever you want.
Sound like the latest adult DVD? According to members of the PUA movement— that's "Pick Up Artists" to the uninitiated—it's not a crazy sexual fantasy, but a reality waiting to happen.
And the best part? You don't have to be wealthy, tall, popular, handsome, or even a great conversationalist. All you need are the right techniques.
Over the past few years, men have been bucking the traditional dating "rules" set down by their mothers and grandmothers.  From how to approach a lady to when you're allowed to call her, they've found that modern women aren't buying into antiquated games, preferring instead a more direct, confident approach. As these men found success they began sharing their secrets, and soon an entire PUA community was formed.
From online chat groups to huge seminars, men can now become educated in the new art of meeting and seducing women. And the most popular method is Paul Janka's Attraction Formula.
A Harvard graduate, Janka approached flirting like a science experiment. He held some theories about what women find attractive and, in what could arguably be termed as a man's dream job, tested those ideas out on women in New York City. After recording the results, Janka noticed behavioral patterns in these women. He quickly gathered some buddies to further his research, they tried various pick up methods, and then noted what happened. The study continued to the next level— who could get a woman in bed and would she return for a repeat performance—and it concluded with an analysis of the data.
Janka was able to pinpoint where the average guy went wrong, and where extraordinary men were succeeding, and put it together in Attraction Formula. Soon people like Dr. Phil were discussing Attraction Formula and how it revolutionizes dating and hooking up in the modern era.
There are multiple reasons why PUAs love Attraction Formula:
  • It doesn't discuss dating theory, it offers solid tips
  • Readers say they can now seduce women within 60 seconds
  • It covers everything from meeting ladies to scoring in the bedroom
  • The confidence-building lessons impact every side of a man's life— from dating to career
It's also something guys can start right away. The Attraction Formula website lets you download the digital book immediately, and comes with three useful bonuses. There's a guide to texting, which is the primary way women now communicate with men they've just met, and how to use it to your sexual advantage. The "Day Game" program explains how to meet women during the day and why that's much more effective than cruising them in bars or clubs. Finally, the "Closing the Deal" bonus teaches a guy to set the right atmosphere, please the girl, and have her coming back for more.
Click here to learn more about Attraction Formula and turning your fantasies into reality.

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